Red Flags to Make You Fire a Contractor Immediately

Red Flags to Make You Fire a Contractor Immediately

You hire a contractor because they seem competent and civilized. However, working with a contractor that seems competent at first can turn out to be a nightmare. That’s because they are not whom they pretend to be. But, how do you know that you should fire a contractor? Here are some of the red flags to make you fire a contractor immediately.

Too Much Upfront Payment Request

Obviously, a contractor should not ask you to pay an unreasonable amount of money upfront.  A contractor needs some money to start working on your project. However, asking you to pay over 15% upfront is a red flag. In some cases, a contractor can ask up to 33% upfront payment. But, a good contractor has sufficient credit to cater for upfront costs. If the contractor doesn’t have enough credit, it’s possible that they messed up in their previous job. Thus, their credits may have been revoked. This is not a good contractor.

Strange Hours Appointments

Visit the job site at 10am, 2pm, and Monday morning. How does their jobsite look like? If the jobsite is always quiet, re-evaluate the contractor. A good contractor sets their working hours. These hours determine the efficiency with which your project will be completed. It also reflects the overall professionalism of a contractor. If you notice that the contractor is absent most of the times when you visit your jobsite, ask them about it and fire them if you don’t get a satisfying answer.

Uses Drugs on the Job

What a contractor does at night on Fridays is not your business. However, if a contractor comes to your jobsite drunk or high on drugs is your business. Don’t tolerate a contractor that uses drugs or alcohol at your construction site.

Poor Communication Skills

You want to be updated on the progress of your construction project. Therefore, a contractor should communicate with you efficiently. For instance, if a contractor finds your missed call, they should call you back. If a contractor has vague communication, they are ill tempered, and not understanding your need, it means they won’t deliver your desired results. Therefore, consider firing them.

In addition to these red flags, fire a contractor if they don’t want to work with a written contract or follow the guidelines of the contract. Also fire a contractor that tries to steal building materials from you.

Check out this website for last hire for contractors.